by Dan | Dec 18, 2018 | A Caregiver's Advent
Caregiver exhaustion is like being thirsty in a dry land. Everything is harder to do, energy is lower, joys if they come are fleeting, little bursts of energy and light that quickly subside back to the gathering gloom....
by Dan | Dec 17, 2018 | A Caregiver's Advent
A few weeks ago I experienced wild, irrational rage twice with different people close to me, rage that was quite uncharacteristic for me. I discussed this with my doctor in terms of caregiver burnout and she was deeply...
by Dan | Dec 15, 2018 | A Caregiver's Advent
Psalm 64 I awoke this morning with my “breast sore troubled within me”. There is a lot of pressure in our home these days. While we have survived the steep increase in work that caring for my declining loved one...
by Dan | Dec 14, 2018 | A Caregiver's Advent
Why is it that different caregivers are impacted differently by the same situations? Why is it that only some first responders or members of the armed forces get PTSD while others in the...
by Dan | Dec 13, 2018 | A Caregiver's Advent
What is dying to self? If you have a Christian background you will have heard this phrase again and again, but what does it mean? If you are a long-term caregiver you have been experiencing “dying to self” as more...
by Dan | Dec 12, 2018 | A Caregiver's Advent
Solomon prayed for wisdom when he was crowned King of Israel and became the wisest man alive. Yet after all was said and done this was his summation: I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are...